Educational child care programs like preschool and junior kindergarten are all about getting your child ready for the academic world. But as research has shown time and time again, learning is not just sitting quiet at a desk and rote memorization. Learning is actually more like play! Learning is fun, engaging, inspiring, sometime frustrating, and sometimes dirty, but always worth it!

at the same time. The big three childcare enrichment programs focus on art, music and sign language. Let’s take a look.
Art Childcare Enrichment Programs
Child care enrichment programs that focus on art and the artistic creativity of children have been shown to achieve a variety of benefits. Art flexes the part of the brain that academic work misses. The brain is physiologically divided into two parts. The left brain is where academic processes like logic, reason and mathematical aptitude operate. The right, brain, however, is where creativity, emotional perception and intuition flourish.
Research has shown that right brain stimulation in the form of art and other creative enrichment programs actually provide many benefits in left brain abilities like math, memorization and reasoning.
Like art education, Music education has been shown to give children a number of cognitive benefits as well. Music education enrichment programs are great for any age child. Early music education is linked to higher test scores and contributes to ease of language acquisition and reasoning skills in young children.
The memorization techniques that are required to keep time, beat and melody all coming together into one boosts the parts of the brain associated with recall and memory. Keeping time and beat also contribute to the development of fluid intelligence and control.
Sign Language
Another type of childcare enrichment program that has been gaining in popularity is the teaching of international sign language. Sign language is one of the most frequently learned and studied modern foreign languages. And sign language is not just for the hard of hearing and their relatives. It has been shown to be beneficial for children to learn it regardless of their ability to hear. In gaining the skills to communicate in international sign language, children are also exercising the part of the brain that are involved in language acquisition.
Learning sign language also develops a child’s social sensitivity. By learning sign language in a childcare enrichment program, children are exposed to daily difficulties that many people with disabilities experience. From this they can learn to cultivate both sensitivity and understanding for people with disabilities.
Childcare Enrichment Programs with Wee Care Preschools San Diego
At Wee Care Preschool in Chula Vista and Clairmont, we offer a wonderful variety of Enrichment Programs for your child, including:
- Little Stars Dance Class
- Funastics (Gymnastics Class)
- Lego Engineering
- Webby Cheer
- Soccer Shots
- Amazing Athletes
Come check out our enrichment programs and contact us for more info. We look forward to hearing from you!