Did you know that, according to national statistics, more than 80% of children spend some time in a daycare program by the time they are four years old? Daycare first developed in France in the middle of the 19th century. The French government officially recognized a childcare organization, the Société des Crèches, in 1869. According to social.jrank.org, the first public child care preschool program in the U.S. began in 1925 in Chicago, with the support of the Chicago Women’s Club.
During the Second World War, the United States government sponsored daycare for 400,000 preschool children. It was during this time that discoveries of the benefits of educational childcare systems began. Ostensibly, childcare has only grown more crucial to the success of our children. Here are three of the most important benefits of daycare.
Now is the Time to Learn a New Language
Did you know that the human brain is most open to new information within the first few years of life? As the Riggs Institute writes, children’s brains are often said to be like sponges because they can absorb information more readily than those of older people. Programs for child care offer your child the opportunity to become bilingual. If you want that for your child, there is no better time to learn than when they are young.
Help to Develop Better Sleeping Habits
Unfortunately, 75% of American children under the age of five experience a sleep-related problem. WebMD writes that establishing a solid sleeping routine for your children is key to their health. Our children require much more sleep than adults; on average 11 hours a night. Daycare professionals can help give your kids healthier sleeping habits through physical activity, daily naps, and proper nutrition.
Preschool Attendees Are Far More Successful
According to the National Head Start Association, enrolling your child in a quality preschool program is key to continued academic success throughout their life. For instance, children who complete a head start program, such as those offered by high quality daycare programs, are far more likely to finish high school than their peers who did not attend such a program.
The benefits do not stop there. According to TIME, preschool attendees are 28% less likely to develop an alcohol abuse problem. Further, the likelihood of their being arrested for a felony drops 22% when they have attended a daycare program.
As you can see, enrolling your child in a high quality daycare program is key to their success. Preschool educators can help your children to become bilingual, instill healthy sleeping habits, and help them to be more successful throughout their lives. Now that you know, why would you not enroll your child?