As the countdown to school begins in San Diego, it’s time to start thinking of what to do to make the transition to preschoolers easier. As a parent, you may be a little concerned about how your preschooler will respond to a new environment. The following back to school tips for preschool parents can take some of the anxiety out of starting a new school year.
Choose a High-Quality Preschool

This should be at the top of the list of back-to-school tips for preschool parents. Check with your state’s agency that regulates preschools to determine if there have been any complaints or inspection violations. Doing so can help you decide on a trustworthy preschool in San Diego.
Read the Preschool Handbook
Your child’s preschool handbook will answer many of the questions you may have. Talk with your child about rules and other important information in the handbook.
Consider Some Tips for Preschool Students Going to School for the First Time
If this will be your child’s first experience with preschool, plan a visit to help them become familiar with the school and the staff. Seeing the room may help a child feel more comfortable being there during the first day.
Keep the Lines of Communication with Your Child’s Teacher Open
When you visit the preschool with your child, ask questions about anything you don’t understand. Ask about email or texting as a way of communicating since drop-off and pick-up times can be very busy for staff.
Work with Your Child to Lessen Separation Anxiety
If it is your child’s first experience being cared for by someone outside of the family, it helps to spend a few minutes with them until they get familiar with the classroom. Dropping a child off and leaving quickly can increase the chance of separation anxiety. After a few days, your child will settle in and will hardly notice when you leave.
Get Your Preschooler Settled into A Routine
Establish a routine to help your child know what to expect. Make sure your child goes to bed around the same time on school nights. Avoid rushing out the door every morning. Help your child develop a habit of getting up early enough to for the family to have breakfast together and relax for a few minutes before leaving home.
How to Get Ready for School After A Break
If your child is returning to preschool at the end of summer, start easing into a preschool schedule before the first day. Waking up your child earlier eases them back into a school-type schedule. This can help a child get ready for preschool after a break.
Show Interest in Your Child’s Preschool Experiences

Children are often eager to share things that happen at preschool. Set aside some distraction-free time to listen. Ask questions about activities, meal times, play times, and friends. This is a way to get your child to share some information that will help you see if they are adjusting well or if they’re experiencing any issues that need to be addressed with the teacher.
Tips for Preschool Students Who Are Learning to Read
Basic reading skills are developed during preschool. Reading opens new learning experiences. You can help your child develop reading skills by reading to them every day. Ask questions about what you read. Children enjoy picture books and they also like to help with storytelling. Ask your child to tell you how they think a story will end. This helps build reading skills and critical thinking skills.
Start The Day with Breakfast
Research shows that children who eat breakfast do better in school. If your child does not eat breakfast at school, make sure you provide breakfast before they leave home in the morning. A yogurt parfait layered with fresh fruit, like strawberries and granola, make a quick breakfast that will give your child the boost needed to get through the morning.
Get Involved with Parent Activities
Most preschools offer parent involvement activities. For example, you could be asked to serve on an advisory committee. Events like picnics or family nights will help your family get to know other parents and preschoolers. Working with staff and other parents to address issues that might arise is a way to help make your preschool the best.
Hopefully these back-to-school ideas for parents will help you get your child’s school year off to a great start. Once you get your routine started, everything will fall into place.